Fallout Wasteland Warfare Nuka-Cola Girl

Fallout Wasteland Warfare Nuka-Cola Girl

Figurka do gry Fallout Wasteland Warfare Wymaga sklejenia i pomalowania - na zdjęciu prezentujemy sklejoną figurkę w przykładowym malowaniu Opis w języku angielskim Everybody loves that Nuka! Each bottle of Nuka Cola packs a powerful punch, and now you can bring that power to the wasteland with everyone's favorite gun-toting mascot - Nuka Girl! Have you come across bad guys with no...

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40,00 zł
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Figurka do gry Fallout Wasteland Warfare

Wymaga sklejenia i pomalowania - na zdjęciu prezentujemy sklejoną figurkę w przykładowym malowaniu

Opis w języku angielskim
Everybody loves that Nuka!

Each bottle of Nuka Cola packs a powerful punch, and now you can bring that power to the wasteland with everyone's favorite gun-toting mascot - Nuka Girl! Have you come across bad guys with no taste? Now you can make sure they never taste anything again. Have you always wanted to zap thirst (and your foes)? ZAAAP! And the thirst is gone. All with Nuka Cola’s own, Nuka Girl!

A single miniature of the iconic Nuka-Cola girl, previously only available as part of the launch pre-order bundle. Nuka-Cola girl is a character created by the Nuka-Cola Corporation whose image adorns promotional material all across the wasteland, however lucky survivors can find her outfit and weapons...

This model is produced in multi-part high-quality resin and includes a unique scenic base. Supplied un-painted.

Ilość dostępna w magazynie: 1

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