Zew Cthulhu: Cthulhu Dark Ages [ENG]

Zew Cthulhu: Cthulhu Dark Ages [ENG]

  • Angielskie Angielskie

Kampania do systemu RPG Call of Cthulhu Opis ze strony producenta w języku angielskim Cthulhu Dark Ages has been updated for Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition, completely revised and with a wealth of new setting material. Included are a player`s guide to the Dark Ages, an optional Sanity mechanic which mirrors the medieval mindset, rules for the oral tradition of story telling, rules for...

  • Okładka: Twarda

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157,00 zł

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Kampania do systemu RPG Call of Cthulhu

Opis ze strony producenta w języku angielskim
Cthulhu Dark Ages has been updated for Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition, completely revised and with a wealth of new setting material. Included are a player`s guide to the Dark Ages, an optional Sanity mechanic which mirrors the medieval mindset, rules for the oral tradition of story telling, rules for mounted combat, a grimoire of Dark Age spells and optional rules for folk magic, a bestiary of monsters, as well as a fully detailed setting - the Anglo-Saxon community of Totburh in England`s Severn Valley which includes interesting characters, dwelling descriptions, and a multitude of plot hooks for Keepers to use and develop. In addition, three scenarios introduce players to the Dark Age Severn Valley.

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