Monster Hunter World The Board Game - Wildspire Waste Core Game [ENG]

  • Samodzielna gra
  • Od 14 lat
  • 90 minut
  • Angielskie Angielskie
  • 1-4 graczy
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Gra kooperacyjna Monster Hunter World The Board Game - Wildspire Waste Core Game Opis ze strony producenta w języku angielskim Members of the Fifth Fleet, prepare for the ultimate tabletop monster hunting experience. In a world teeming with massive monsters, every battle is a boss battle! In this cooperative arena combat board game for 1-4 players set in an open world, it’s not you who...


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485,00 zł

Kupując u nas oszczędzasz: 61,00 zł

Cena rekomendowana: 546,00 zł

Opis produktu

Gra kooperacyjna Monster Hunter World The Board Game - Wildspire Waste Core Game

Opis ze strony producenta w języku angielskim
Members of the Fifth Fleet, prepare for the ultimate tabletop monster hunting experience. In a world teeming with massive monsters, every battle is a boss battle!

In this cooperative arena combat board game for 1-4 players set in an open world, it’s not you who dictates the flow of battle, but the monster you hunt — and each one is wildly different.

Tasked with protecting the Astera basecamp, you must track down and slay the fearsome creatures roaming the New World. Use the loot collected from your fallen foes to craft powerful new equipment, so you can take on bigger and badder beasts!

The more monsters you slay, the better the weapons you can craft, the bigger the monsters you can hunt.
Explore the Wildspire Waste

With this core set, explore the arid Wildspire Waste and the monsters within — hard-headed Barroth, poisonous Pukei-Pukei, lurking Jyuratodus, horned Diablos, and menacing Black Diablos*. Hunt these dangerous creatures with the Insect Glaive, Charge Blade, Heavy Bowgun, or Switch Axe, crafting upgrades and honing your hunting skills with every hard-won piece of monster loot.

Expand your tabletop Monster Hunter: World with the fully compatible Ancient Forest core set and other expansions, featuring new monsters to battle against and new hunters to battle with!

Ilość dostępna w magazynie: 2

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